You step into a small treasure room. The goods the dead assembled in life are stored here. Unfortunately, as you enter, you hear an ominous rumble from the cave entrance.
You enter a crypt, where the Vahnatai have respectfully laid some of their dead to rest. The cavern is dark and icy, and the smell of death is as strong as on a battlefield.
As you pass this small stone bunker, you notice the passage feels strangely warm. You touch the stone wall, and it's searing to the touch! Something very hot must be inside.
You read the small note. It says "The monsters are too much. We're gone for good. If you're here, go ahead and use the shack. Store stuff if you want. Just don't tear anything up, please. Good luck. - Vlastok"
You've stumbled upon a small, cozy home up in the mountains. It's been abandoned. Everything is coated with dust - clearly, nobody has been here for weeks. You think it's a safe place to camp.
Amazingly, someone has left a small spellbook here. It's chained down - its owner probably left quickly. It's very odd and garbled, but you manage to decode some of it. You learn the spell Magic Map. The rest of it is far too incoherent to understand.
Amazingly, someone has left a small spellbook here. It's chained down - its owner probably left quickly. It's very odd and garbled, almost completely incoherent. It'd take a very knowledgeable mage to make any sense of it.
You have a nice, peaceful rest in your secluded mountain cabin. You wake up the next morning, refreshed.